Online scheduling is available to ongoing clients. Please note that I am not taking new clients and not keeping a waiting list. For my current clients: if you need to talk to someone right away, call or text me at (206) 526-8814. If I can’t be reached, call the crisis line at (866) 427-4747. If this is an emergency, call 911.
You cannot use online scheduling to book within 16 hours of the current time (you also cannot cancel an appointment online within 16 hours). Instead, please call or email me to see if I have an opening.
You’ll have an opportunity to choose and schedule a regular (recurring) appointment time. After you click the green “Book” button, you’ll see a box to check for this purpose. If you desire a regular time and my schedule has openings in that time, I suggest that you book a large number of sessions (up to one year) ahead. You can cancel sessions later if you need to. It is your responsibility to maintain your bookings. Thank you!
If you don’t receive an email confirmation, it means you didn’t complete the process and I won’t have the session on my calendar, so please be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
If this will be your first session, please go to the New Client Forms page and bring to the session those completed documents. Thank you!
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